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Join the River of Hope initiative by supporting or donating in any way you can. We are so grateful for you support.
From Earth Conservation Corps & our parters, Thank You.
As we enter into our next phase of development on the Wings Campus, bringing a new focus to the cadets of Capital Guardian Youth ChalleNGe Academy and scholars of Maya Angelou Academy at DYRS' New Beginnings, we are in need of support in all forms. We need monetary donations to go directly to the materials required to build our Wings Campus, as well as donations of time in helping us construct our aviaries and rehabilitate our building's infrastructure.
Any form of donation is deeply appreciated by Earth Conservation Corps and our partners. We believe this next phase of Earth Conservation Corps' River of Hope Initiative to be the keystone of our operation. By bringing Earth Conservation Corps directly to the youth of Capital Guardian and New Beginnings in our raptor research & conservation program, we can then install a virtuous cycle where youth of both programs are encouraged to maintain connection with the Earth Conservation Corps through applying for spots in our corpsmember program. After the application and selection process, these promising youth with then return to their home in Washington, DC to go on working with Earth Conservation Corps and carrying on the legacy thirty years strong. Dr. Dian Fossey says it best, "It's not talking about conservation - it's action. Conservation begins with the boots on your feet."
Other ways to donate!
To donate your time, please click the button below... We need you!
Earth Conservation Corps appreciates the forward-thinking vision of Mayor Bowser, the DC Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services, The Capital Guardian Youth ChalleNGe Academy, & Fresh Start Project DC for embracing the birds as an access point to engage with the natural world.
Other key partners include the Metropolitan Police Department, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, National Geographic Society, U.S. Navy Seabees, National Park Service, Smithsonian, Environmental Protection Agency, PEPCO, Americorps, ServeDC, Anacostia Riverkeeper, U.S.G.S., National Park Conservation Association, Living Classrooms, Eco Schools, Department District of the Environment, & Cornell Lab of Ornithology. We appreciate their trust and guidance of Earth Conservation Corps, as well as the commitment and generosity of our dedicated volunteers and funding partners who have enabled Earth Conservation Corps to develop into an innovative and forward-thinking model program that is building the new generation of conservation leaders to meet our looming environmental challenges.